After death, leave laughter behind
If you are thinking of leaving a gift to Laughter Africa in your will, first of all thank you. No matter how big or small, we are truly grateful. Here is our step-by-step guide to making or updating a will including everything you need to know for leaving a legacy to Laughter Africa. It includes lots of helpful hints and tips which will hopefully make writing your will a little easier.
What types of gifts can I leave to Laughter Africa?
There are a number of different ways you can remember Laughter Africa in your will. It doesn’t have to be a large amount because every gift, in every will, makes a real and lasting difference.
The first is by leaving a residuary legacy, which is a share or percentage of the residue of your estate or assets once other gifts and payments have been made. For example, you may choose to leave 85% of your estate to your family and friends, and 15% to favourite causes – and that balance is maintained. Inflation is less likely to reduce the value of your gift.
The second way to remember Laughter Africa is by leaving a pecuniary legacy which is a specific fixed sum of money.
The third way to remember Laughter Africa is by leaving a specific legacy which is a gift of a specific item, such as personal possessions, land, buildings or shares which can be sold to support our work.
Your solicitor or other professional adviser will help you with the wording of your gift. You can also download some example wordings you might use here.
Will planner
Laughter Africa has prepared a will planner which can be downloaded here. The will planner will help guide you through the different steps involved in writing a will. Please fill it in and take it with you when you meet with your solicitor.
How do I amend an existing will?
If you would like to add a donation to Laughter Africa to an existing will you can simply use a codicil. Adding a codicil to your will means there is no need to change the terms of your current will; it simply adds a new instruction without needing to visit a solicitor. To download a copy of Laughter Africa’s codicil, please click here. As when making a will, your signing of the codicil will need to be witnessed by two responsible adults at the same time. Once completed the codicil must be kept in a safe place together with your will. Alternatively your solicitor will help you make the amendments that you desire.
What information should I include to remember Laughter Africa in my will?
When including a legacy to charity it’s important to specify the charity’s registered name, address and registered charity number.
For Laughter Africa these are:
Registered name: Laughter Africa
Registered address: 124 Princes Boulevard, Bebington, Wirral, CH63 5LP
Registered charity number: 1154712
Inheritance tax
Anything you leave over the inheritance tax threshold (currently £325,000) is taxed at 40%. However, anything you leave to a registered charity like Laughter Africa is not taxable which means that your loved ones may save money on tax they would otherwise have to pay. For people who leave at least 10% of their estate to charity the rate of inheritance tax will be reduced. For information about inheritance tax click here or contact your solicitor or other professional advisor.
Free will-writing offer
Laughter Africa supporters resident in the UK can write their will and make a difference – for free!
Our free will-writing offer is a great opportunity to make your first will or update your current will without having to worry about the cost. Laughter Africa has partnered with a number of trusted and well-respected solicitors to offer you a simple will-writing service free of charge.
To find out how to take advantage of our free will-writing offer email us at and we’ll put you in touch with one of the solicitors.
Your kindness will not be forgotten
Supporters who have kindly left a donation in their will to Laughter Africa will be added to Laughter Africa’s online book of remembrance. The names of all our friends who have died in the previous year will also be remembered at the annual Memorial Mass at St Anne’s Catholic Church in the Wirral every November. A mass will also be offered in Sierra Leone in memory of Laughter Africa supporters who have died.
The Laughter Africa online book of remembrance is a way of remembering all our Laughter Africa friends. Here, we offer the chance for friends and relatives to tell the story of their loved ones, adding photographs, music, video and a whole host of memories to an online forum. It will be a lasting legacy.
If you would like to add the names of your loved ones to our book of remembrance then please contact us at
Information for executors
If you are acting as executor for the estate of someone who has left a bequest to Laughter Africa in their will and you would like advice or assistance do contact us at
Further information and advice
The Law Society can help you find a solicitor in your area. For more information please call 020 7242 1222 or visit
We’re always happy to help. If you have any questions about remembering Laughter Africa in your will please contact us at